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First Things First

Congratulations on your new Barbacoa.PRO grill!

Before assembling and using your grill for the first time, please read the following safety recommendations and usage tips. This information will help you to safely use your Barbacoa.PRO and get the best results from using it.

  • Do not touch, move, or lift the grill with hot charcoal inside or when it is not yet cooled.
  • Handle the grill’s mounting elements, metal surfaces, and stainless steel air vents with care.
  • Be aware of fire hazards when firing charcoal, using matches or a lighter, grilling on the hot charcoal, or touching the hot surface.

We hope the tips on this page help you get the most out of your new Barbacoa.PRO grill. And remember, grilling is supposed to be fun, so don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you!

Handle your Barbacoa.PRO grill with care

We think this is  the most important advice we can offer you, so please do keep the following in mind at all times when using your Barbacoa.PRO grill.

  • The grill, barbecue grids, and charcoal are hot. Do not touch them with bare hands. Use heat-resistant gloves or mitts when handling hot surfaces.
  • Ensure that children and pets are kept away from the grill, the last thing anybody wants are little fingers or paws being burnt.
  • The grill is heavy. When transporting, moving, or lifting it, be very careful to avoid injury. If possible, use a dolly or other lifting device.
  • Do not place the grill on wooden or other flammable surfaces. The ceramic base bottom emits heat, so the nearby objects may catch fire. Use the barbecue grill away from flammable materials.
  • Never lean on the barbecue or its separate parts. Doing so could cause the grill to tip over and spill hot coals everywhere.
  • Regularly check that all mounting elements are tightened. The metal rings of the Barbacoa.PRO barbecue grill are designed to hold the construction together. However, if they are not tightened properly, the grill could come apart. Check all the intersections every few weeks to make sure they are secure.

How to light your Batbacoa.PRO and the best operating temperature for the first few uses:

  • Use odorless, dry, and solid charcoal matches to light the barbecue grill. Keep the barbecue grill lighting instructions.
  • Food grilled on natural charcoal has a unique taste. However, do not grill food using high temperature for the first few times.
  • The flame is too big when it can damage the gasket before it is properly adjusted. For the first grilling sessions, select a temperature less than 177°C. The gasket will then get completely adjusted to the Barbacoa.PRO grill.
  • If you damage the gasket, you can buy a new self-adhesive gasket suitable for high temperatures.

Do not exceed 400 degrees Fahrenheit: When using your Barbacoa.PRO grill for the first time, you should not exceed a temperature of 400 degrees Fahrenheit. This is because the grill is not yet seasoned, and the high heat could damage the ceramic.

Why not exceed 400 degrees Fahrenheit: The ceramic in your Barbacoa.PRO grill is not fully sealed when it is new. This means that there are small pores in the ceramic that can allow moisture to escape. If the grill is heated to too high of a temperature, the moisture in the pores could cause the ceramic to crack.

What to do if you exceed 400 degrees Fahrenheit: If you accidentally exceed 400 degrees Fahrenheit when seasoning your Barbacoa.PRO grill, don’t worry. The grill will not be damaged. Lift the lid and let it cool down a little before continuing. However, you may need to season the grill again to create a more durable non-stick surface.

  • DO NOT USE WATER TO EXTINGUISH THE FIRE INSIDE THE GRILL. This can cause a violent steam explosion. Instead, close the lid and air vents to starve the fire of oxygen.
  • DO NOT USE WATER TO CLEAN THE INSIDE OF THE BARBECUE GRILL. Your Barbacoa.PRO grill is designed so that it self-cleans. After cooking, cover the lid and close both air vents. The food residues and deposits will burn and carbonize. Before the next cooking clean the barbecue grids with a special detergent and a brush specially designed for cleaning your
  • Do not use a water pan. Barbacoa.PRO grills do not need extra humidity for temperature control.
  • Do not store the grill wet. This can cause the ceramic walls to crack or warp. Allow the grill to cool completely before storing it.

How to season a Barbacoa.PRO grill:

Cleaning the grill

  • Start by cleaning the grill with a mild soap and water solution. Be sure to remove any grease or debris from the grill.
  • You can use a grill brush or a sponge to clean the grill.
  • Rinse the grill with clean water and dry it with a towel.

Burning off the factory coating

  • Once the grill is clean, you will need to burn off the factory coating. This will help to create a non-stick surface that will prevent food from sticking to the grill.
  • Fill the firebox with charcoal and light it.
  • Allow the coals to burn for about 30 minutes, or until they are white-hot.
  • Be careful not to overfill the firebox, as this could cause the grill to overheat.
  • If the coals start to smoke too much, you can close the vents to reduce the airflow.

Applying a thin coat of oil

  • Once the coals are white-hot, you will need to apply a thin coat of oil to the grill grates. This will help to prevent food from sticking to the grates.
  • You can use any type of oil that you like, but vegetable oil or sunflower oil work well.
  • Use a paper towel or a brush to apply the oil to the grates.
  • Be sure to coat the grates evenly.

Letting the grill cool

  • Once the oil is applied, you will need to let the grill cool completely. This will help the oil to polymerize and create a non-stick surface.
  • You can leave the grill open to air dry, or you can place it in a cool, dry place.

Here are some additional tips for seasoning a Barbacoa.PRO grill:

  • Be patient. It may take a few times to season the grill properly.
  • Don’t overcook the grill. If the grill gets too hot, the oil will burn off and you will have to start over.
  • Once the grill is seasoned, you can start cooking!

Tips for achieving great flavor when cooking on your Barbacoa.PRO Kamado grill:

Use high-quality charcoal

The type of charcoal you use will have a big impact on the flavor of your food. Use high-quality charcoal that burns evenly and produces a clean smoke. Some good options include lump charcoal, natural hardwood charcoal, and briquettes.

Season your grill properly

Before you start cooking, it is important to season your grill. This will help to create a non-stick surface that will prevent food from sticking to the grill. To do this, fill the firebox with charcoal and light it. Allow the coals to burn for about 30 minutes, or until they are white-hot. Then, apply a thin coat of oil to the grill grates.

Use a meat thermometer

A meat thermometer is essential for ensuring that your food is cooked to the correct internal temperature. This will help to prevent your food from being overcooked or undercooked. The safe minimum internal temperature for cooked ground beef is 160°F, for poultry 165°F, and for pork 145°F.

Be patient

Getting used to cooking on your Barbacoa.PRO grill takes time. Don’t rush the process, or your food will not turn out as good. Allow enough time for the food to cook evenly and to develop flavor.

Experiment with different flavors

There are many different ways to flavor food onyour Barbacoa.PRO grill. Experiment with different types of wood chips or chunks, as well as different spices and herbs. You’ll be surprised at the different flavors you can create. Some popular wood chips for smoking include hickory, apple, and mesquite. Some popular spices and herbs for grilling include garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, and cumin.

Here are some additional tips for achieving great flavor when cooking on a Barbacoa.PRO grill:

  • Use a variety of cooking methods: The Barbacoa.PRO grill is versatile and can be used for a variety of cooking methods, such as direct grilling, indirect grilling, and smoking. Experiment with different methods to find what works best for you.
  • Don’t be afraid to get creative: The Barbacoa.PRO grill is a great way to get creative with your cooking. Experiment with different recipes and ingredients to find new and delicious flavors.
  • Have fun! Cooking on a Barbacoa.PRO grill is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and spend time with friends and family. So relax, have fun, and enjoy the process.

How to control the temperature using the vents on a Barbacoa.PRO grill:

  • The Barbacoa.PRO grill has a built-in thermometer that allows you to monitor the temperature of the grill. This makes it easy to cook your food to the desired level.
  • Top vent: The top vent is the primary way to control the temperature of the grill. By opening or closing the top vent, you can control the amount of airflow into the grill. This will in turn affect the temperature of the coals and the grill.
  • Bottom vent: The bottom vent is used to control the airflow under the grill. This is important for maintaining a consistent temperature and preventing the grill from getting too hot.
  • Ash dump: The ash dump is a small door at the bottom of the grill. It is used to remove ash from the firebox. Ash can build up and block airflow, which can affect the temperature of the grill.

How to control the temperature using the vents:

  • To increase the temperature: Open the top vent and close the bottom vent. This will allow more airflow into the grill, which will increase the temperature of the coals and the grill.
  • To decrease the temperature: Close the top vent and open the bottom vent. This will reduce the airflow into the grill, which will decrease the temperature of the coals and the grill.
  • To maintain a consistent temperature: Keep the top vent and bottom vent slightly open. This will allow enough airflow to keep the coals burning evenly, but not so much airflow that the grill gets too hot.
  • Be patient: It may take some time to adjust the vents to get the desired temperature. Don’t be afraid to experiment until you find what works best for you.
  • Use a meat thermometer: A meat thermometer is essential for ensuring that your food is cooked to the correct internal temperature. This will help to prevent your food from being overcooked or undercooked.
  • Be aware of the weather: The weather can also affect the temperature of your grill. On a windy day, you may need to close the vents more to prevent the grill from getting too hot.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when controlling the temperature of your Barbacoa.PRO grill:

  • The type of charcoal you use: The type of charcoal you use will affect the temperature of the grill. Charcoal that burns hotter will require you to adjust the vents more frequently to maintain a consistent temperature.
  • The amount of charcoal you use: The more charcoal you use, the hotter the grill will be. If you are cooking something that requires a high temperature, such as searing a steak, you will need to use more charcoal.
  • The size of the coals: The larger the coals, the longer they will burn and the more stable the temperature will be. If you are cooking something that takes a long time to cook, such as a brisket, you will need to use larger coals.
  • The proximity of the food to the coals: The closer the food is to the coals, the hotter it will cook. If you are cooking something that you want to cook quickly, such as a burger, you will want to place the food closer to the coals.

With a little practice, you will be able to control the temperature of your Barbacoa.PRO grill like a pro!

Woods that are available in the UK to try with your Barbacoa.PRO grill:

  • Apple: Apple wood is a mild wood that produces a sweet, fruity flavor. It is a good choice for smoking poultry, pork, and fish.
  • Alder: Alder wood produces a mild, slightly sweet flavor that is good for smoking poultry, pork, and fish.
  • Birch: Birch wood produces a light, slightly sweet flavor that is good for smoking poultry, pork, and fish.
  • Cherry: Cherry wood produces a sweet, fruity flavor that is similar to apple wood. It is a good choice for smoking pork, poultry, and fish.
  • Hickory: Hickory wood is a strong wood that produces a smoky, bacon-like flavor. It is a good choice for smoking beef, lamb, and ribs.
  • Maple: Maple wood is a medium-flavored wood that produces a slightly sweet, nutty flavor. It is a good choice for smoking chicken, pork, and vegetables.
  • Mesquite: Mesquite wood is a very strong wood that produces a smoky, intense flavor. It is a good choice for smoking beef, lamb, and brisket.
  • Oak: Oak wood is a strong wood that produces a smoky, robust flavor. It is a good choice for smoking beef, lamb, and game.
  • Walnut: Walnut wood produces a rich, nutty flavor that is good for smoking beef, lamb, and game.
When choosing wood for your Barbacoa.PRO grill, it is important to consider the type of food you are cooking and the flavor you want to achieve. You should also consider the intensity of the smoke flavor you want. Some woods, such as mesquite, produce a very strong smoke flavor, while others, such as apple, produce a milder smoke flavor.

It is also important to use dry wood when smoking with your Barbacoa.PRO grill. Wet wood will produce a lot of smoke and can make your food taste bitter.

If you are not sure what wood to use, you can always ask your local butcher or charcoal supplier for recommendation

How to smoke your food using a Barbacoa.PRO grill:

  • Choose the right wood. The type of wood you use will have a big impact on the flavor of your smoked food. Some popular woods for smoking include hickory, mesquite, apple, and cherry.
  • Prepare the wood. If you are using wood chips, you will need to soak them in water for 30 minutes before smoking. This will help to prevent the wood from burning too quickly. If you are using wood chunks, you do not need to soak them.
  • Season the grill. Before you start smoking, you will need to season the grill. This will help to create a non-stick surface that will prevent food from sticking to the grill. To do this, fill the firebox with charcoal and light it. Allow the coals to burn for about 30 minutes, or until they are white-hot. Once the coals are white-hot, you will need to apply a thin coat of oil to the grill grates. You can use any type of oil that you like, but vegetable oil or sunflower oil work well.
  • Add the wood. Once the grill is seasoned, you can add the wood. You can add the wood directly to the firebox, or you can use a smoke box. If you are using a smoke box, place the smoke box in the firebox and fill it with wood chips.
  • Control the temperature. The temperature of the grill is important when smoking food. You will need to keep the temperature between 180°F and 225°F. You can control the temperature by adjusting the vents on the grill.
  • Smoke the food. The amount of time you smoke the food will depend on the type of food you are smoking. For example, a pork shoulder will need to smoke for several hours, while chicken will only need to smoke for a few hours.
  • Rest the food. Once the food is smoked, you will need to let it rest for at least 10-15 minutes before slicing or serving. This will allow the juices to redistribute throughout the meat.
  • Be patient. Smoking food takes time, so be patient and don’t rush it.
  • Experiment with different woods to find the flavors you like best.
  • Have fun! Smoking food is a great way to add flavor and depth to your meals.your 

How to bake food using your Barbacoa.PRO grill:

  • Preheat the grill. Before you start baking, you will need to preheat the grill. This will help to ensure that the food cooks evenly. To do this, fill the firebox with charcoal and light it. Allow the coals to burn for about 30 minutes, or until they are white-hot. Once the coals are white-hot, close the lid and let the grill preheat for about 15 minutes.
  • Place the food on the grill. Once the grill is preheated, you can place the food on the grill. You can use a baking sheet, a grill grate, or a pizza stone. If you are using a baking sheet, you will need to line it with parchment paper to prevent the food from sticking.
  • Control the temperature. The temperature of the grill is important when baking food. You will need to keep the temperature between 350°F and 450°F. You can control the temperature by adjusting the vents on the grill.
  • Bake the food. The amount of time you bake the food will depend on the type of food you are baking. For example, a pizza will only need to bake for about 15 minutes, while a cake will need to bake for about 30 minutes.
  • Let the food cool. Once the food is baked, you will need to let it cool for a few minutes before slicing or serving. This will allow the juices to redistribute throughout the food.

Your Barbacoa.PRO grill can be used all year round:

The ceramic construction of the grill allows it to withstand extreme temperatures, so you can cook delicious food in both summer and winter. However, it is important to protect the inside of the grill from moisture after use. If there is water or moisture inside the grill, wipe it dry and then light a small amount of charcoal and gradually heat the grill to 170–175 °C. This will help to dry out the grill and prevent any damage.

Here are some additional details:

  • The ceramic construction of the grill is very durable and can withstand temperatures of up to 700 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • The grill has a tight-fitting lid that helps to keep the heat in and the moisture out.
  • The grill has a built-in thermometer that allows you to monitor the temperature inside the grill.

Here are some additional tips for using your Kamado Bono grill in cold weather:

  • If you are using the grill in freezing temperatures, it is a good idea to preheat the grill for a few minutes before adding your food. This will help to warm up the grill and prevent your food from sticking.
  • If you are cooking for a long period of time, you may need to add more charcoal to the grill to maintain the desired temperature.
  • If you are cooking in the snow, it is a good idea to place a tarp or blanket under the grill to protect it from the elements.

With a little care and attention, you can use your Kamado Bono grill to cook delicious food all year round.


They should never be used indoors, even in well-ventilated areas. This is because the grill produces carbon monoxide, which is a colorless, odorless gas that can be deadly.

Here are some of the dangers of using a Barbacoa.PRO grill indoors:

  • Carbon monoxide poisoning: Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas that can be deadly. It is produced by the incomplete combustion of fuel. If you use a Kamado grill indoors, the carbon monoxide can build up to dangerous levels.
  • Fire: Kamado grills can reach very high temperatures. If they are not used properly, they can start a fire.
  • Explosion: If you use a flammable liquid to light a Kamado grill, there is a risk of explosion.

For these reasons, we do not ever recommend using Barbacoa.PRO grills indoors. Even if the grill is being used in a commercial kitchen with CO extraction, there is still a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. 

Our advice remains that Barbacoa.PRO grills should only be used to cook on in well ventilated outdoor use only.

By following these safety tips, you can help to prevent accidents and injuries.


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